投稿时间:2017-03-12     点此下载全文
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李建民 LI Jianmin 北京卫生职业学院 中药与康复系,北京101101 Department of traditional Chinese medicine,Beijing Health Vocational,Beijing 100053,China 李建民,高级讲师,研究方向:中药资源与鉴定;Tel:13681161273,E-mail:bwljm1962@sina.com 
李华擎 LI Huaqing 北京市通州区新华医院 中医科,北京101101 Department of traditional Chinese medical,Tongzhou Xinhua Hospital,Beijing 101101,China  
中文摘要:通过实地调查和文献研究,搞清目前三种黄连商品的种植、生产情况。现今市场销售的黄连商品,基本上都是“味连”,又分为“鸡爪连”、“ 单枝连”两种,“鸡爪连”是药农采收加工的味连商品,“ 单枝连”是药商对“鸡爪连”进行二次加工的味连商品;不同产地的“味连”栽培管理、种植年限基本一致,其质量无明显差别,现“味连”商品已无“南岸连”“北岸连”之分。雅连现仅在四川省眉山市洪雅县有种植生产,种植面积达80多亩,栽培品种是“大红袍”,每年出产的少量雅连药材,主要加工成酒炙雅连袋泡茶。云连主产云南省怒江州,在怒江种植量在10万亩以上,年采收2万亩以上,药材产量110 t以上;云连除在怒江州本地农产品市场有销售外,也销售到华东沿海地区,并在昆明菊花园药材市场有销售。
中文关键词:黄连  商品种类  味连  雅连  云连  现状
Investigation on Types of Coptis
Abstract:Through field investigation and literature research,A clearer idea has been gained on the cultivation and processing of Coptis.At present,the market sales of Coptis products are basically “Weilian” and there are two types of it,“Jizhualian” and “Danzhilian”.“Jizhualian” is a good processed by farmer,and “Danzhilian” is made from “Weilian” by traders.The cultivation management and planting years of “Weilian” in different producing areas are basically identical,there is no significant difference between different areas of “Weilian”.Nowadays there's no different between “Nananlian” and “Beianlian”.Today’s Yalian is only planted at Hongya county of Meishan City,Sichuan province,the planting area of more than 80 mu,and the cultivar is called “Dahongpao”,and processed into wine stir-fried Coptis teabags.
keywords:Coptis  Weilian  Yalian  Yunlian  goods types  current situation
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