投稿时间:2017-07-01     点此下载全文
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禹琦 YU Qi 湖南娄底市中心医院,湖南娄底417000 Smashing Extraction for Extracting Amygdalin form Semen Armeniacae Amarum 禹琦,副主任中药师,研究方向:中药学,Tel:(0738)8287132,E-mail:3567482098@qq.com 
中文摘要:目的:研究闪式提取法从苦杏仁中提取苦杏仁苷的最佳工艺。方法:采用单因素试验和L9(34)正交试验设计,以苦杏仁苷为指标,对闪式提取的影响因素进行考察,并与文献报道的方法进行比较。结果:闪式提取法的最佳工艺是70%乙醇,提取时间1 min,料液比1∶6。结论:此工艺简单、高效、节能,提取率高,有利于苦杏仁苷的提取。
中文关键词:闪式提取  苦杏仁  苦杏仁苷  正交试验
Smashing Extraction for Extracting Amygdalin form Semen Armeniacae Amarum
Abstract:Objective:To study the optimal technology conditions of smashing extraction for extracting amygdalin form Semen Armeniacae Amarum.Methods:The influence factors on the smashing extraction were investigated by single-factor experiment and L9(34)orthogonal design taking the extraction rate of amygdalin as the index.And smashing extraction were compared with other methods reported in literature.Results:The optimal technique of the smashing extraction was as follows:70% ethanol was taken as solvent,the ratio of material and liquid was 1:6,extracting time was 1 minute.Conclusion:The extraction process is simple,efficient,energy saving and with high extraction rate,which is beneficial to the extraction of amygdalin.
keywords:Smashing extraction  Semen Armeniacae Amarum  amygdalin  orthogonal experiment
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