投稿时间:2019-10-15     点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 528
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张萌 ZHANG Meng 北京中医药大学 中医学院,北京102488 Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Beijing 102488,China  
孙芮 SUN Rui 北京中医药大学 中医学院,北京102488 Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Beijing 102488,China  
张楠 ZHANG Nan 北京中医药大学 中医学院,北京102488 Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Beijing 102488,China  
赵岩松 ZHAO Yan-song 北京中医药大学 中医学院,北京102488 Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Beijing 102488,China 赵岩松,教授,研究方向:中医温病学、中医妇科学;E-mail:zyscbn@163.com 
中文关键词:微小RNA  中药  研究进展
Research Progress of miRNA in Medicinal Plants
Abstract:miRNA is a kind of small single stranded RNA with about 22 nucleotides,which can regulate gene expression at the post transcription level and plays an important role in human growth,development,physiology and pathology. It has been found that plant miRNA of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) can be stably absorbed into the body to play its specific pharmacological role. The research on miRNA of TCM has greatly improved the cognitive level of modern pharmacological research on the effective components of TCM,and also provides a new way of treatment for diseases,as well as a new research idea and method for TCM research.
keywords:miRNA  traditional Chinese medicines  research progress
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